


Beauty Banks

Mesen is proud to support Beauty Banks, a people-powered, grassroots movement distributing unused toiletries to charitable organisations throughout Britain.

Simply put, Beauty Banks believe that being clean is a basic human right, not a luxury or privilege. They support those who live in poverty by providing registered charities such as food banks, homeless shelters, refuges, & high schools with personal care & hygiene products.

Beauty Banks believes in giving a hand up, not a handout – and we all have the right to be clean because our physical health, mental health and wellbeing depends on it.

You can donate by

  • via Go Fund Me here – www.gofundme.com/f/endhygieneshaming
  • buying from their online wish list via Easho here www.easho.org.uk.Easho will then sort and categorise all your donations, clearly label all boxes, use minimal materials, recycle everything and deliver parcels to charities across the country on Beauty Bank’s behalf for free.
  • visiting your local Superdrug, and donate in their “Beauty Spot” bins.

Top 10 Daily Essentials Wish List –

  1. Shampoo
  2. Body Wash
  3. Toothpaste & Toothbrush
  4. Deodorant
  5. Disposable razors
  6. Travel Sized Shampoo & Body Wash
  7. Sanitary Pads
  8. Men’s Grooming Products
  9. Face Wash
  10. Baby Products – nappies, baby shampoo etc.

You can learn more about Beauty Banks here www.beautybanks.org.uk/